Experience gained through life time worrking period.

I’ve worked on tons of little projects over the years but these are the ones that I’m most proud of. Many of them are open-source, so if you see something that piques your interest, check out the code and contribute if you have ideas for how it can be improved.


  1. Maha Global

    ML Intern

    Working with MAHA, an AI reputation startup on some Natural Language Porcessing pipelines

  2. Research Computing at Dartmouth

    Data Science Intern

    I need to add the description

  3. Neukom Scholars Program at Dartmouth


    Developed the first machine learning embeddings for the Aja language, a low-resource language, using the FastText model; validated the embeddings against the WordSim-353 Dataset to ensure semantic accuracy, achieving a cosine similarity score of 0.645 for the word pair 'efio’(King) and 'efio si’(Queen). [Github Link]

    Analyzed semantic relationships between word pairs such as 'eshi' (water) and 'ezo' (fire), demonstrating a notable alignment with human perception at a similarity score of -0.16.

  4. Rassias Center at Dartmouth

    French Drill Instructor

    Instructed approximately 20 students in French language drills at the Rassias Center, enhancing their conversational proficiency and linguistic confidence.